A Clear Enoki

Coordinates: X 7867 Y-6155

Sporting my brand spanking new Gaga outfit (by Riot_Girl_1) I felt like color-coordinating my daily explorations. Where else to be red but Enoki?! I went in and out and round and round until I found a clear view of those incredible spotted-potty mushrooms. The craziest thing for me as I explore and come to know the details of the world of There is the close proximity of one area to another that you never realize if you simply teleport from place to place and never venture out on foot or via transportation.

When I took my Avie down over the hill from Enoki, I had an 'ah-ha!' moment...

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person behind the Avie?
Press her photo above
to visit Elizabeth's blog. :)

  © 2009-2011 Elizabeth Robinson ~~ Background image provided by 'Madhattermemphis Therian': Maidenflight in There