pucker up!

Tons of kissing going on at Cosmo! Sometimes if I'm searching auctions or chatting with a friend I'll teleport to Cosmo and count the kissers. Here are some of my stats:

- the majority of kisses are offered by female Avatars

- the majority of kisses offered by females are rejected

- male avatars offering kisses are more oft than not ignored

- when a female is rejected everyone in the vicinity will comment

- when a male is rejected everyone ignores his efforts, no comment

- seasoned Therians can see a Insistent Kisser from a mile away and begin to comment before the kiss is initiated

Everyone loves it when kissers come to Cosmo. Kissers are for the overwhelming most part just ornery Avatars looking for something interesting to do with their Avatar. They rarely if ever get aggressive verbally or pester anyone who walks away.

I'd love to be an Insistent Kisser for a day in Cosmo! I think there should be some type of There Game involved with kissing- sort of like how many Avies can you stuff into a hoverboat! But that's just me...

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  © 2009-2011 Elizabeth Robinson ~~ Background image provided by 'Madhattermemphis Therian': Maidenflight in There