Winter Games 2010

The There Winter Games of 2010 were a mixed bag for me.

I loved the Avie Slingshot and Hoverpack races. These events moved along smoothly. The event hosts were friendly, instructive without being pushy or aloof and ran good events. These two event categories were the ones I found enjoyable.

The remainder of the Winter Games 2010 didn't do much for my excite-O-meter.

The questing was both pointless and interesting; more than a few quests had the clues strung out in a very contained area. I think that Games quests that are merely question and answer exercises should be categorized as such.

I showed up for a Thereywood Squares event only to find it was canceled due to zone technicalities. And the disappointments went on and on.

I understand why so many people choose not to join in the There Games. They aren't missing much but a handful of souvenir items, sitting in the peanut gallery for hours on end or planting their Avie ass in some skill-ing event to acquire said freebies. Hell; if you catch an Island Guide kissing on a bench not realizing someone is standing there trying to ask a question you can even get a quest balloon without running the pointless quest! 'wink

I'm ever amazed how many avatars are simply ignored by teammates, how many high-school type cliques stand around patting each other on the back rather than greeting unknown teammates and how many people in positions to do so choose not to promote a welcoming atmosphere in their event. I find 90% of the Games boring. The 10% that are enjoyable, friendly and enriching makes up for the 90% of redundant or boring events and are the reason I keep coming back!

To the Winter Games that is. When there is two feet of snow outside and I'm as home bound as a 400-pound over eater!

I'd never waste the warm sunshine of summer sitting at my computer to join in the Games...

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  © 2009-2011 Elizabeth Robinson ~~ Background image provided by 'Madhattermemphis Therian': Maidenflight in There