Disclaimer: Any resemblance the ramblings in the following post have with real-life events should possibly be taken to heart. After all isn't the heart where anything begins and ends?

Beware Your Ego: Love in There Part I

In the initial stages of ‘love’ an American woman will seek out conduits for fantasy and desire. The man who catches her interest will be the one who she deems a Good Agent; an instrument to utilize as she scoops up the tastiest bites from the plate set before her filled with voracious servings.

In the initial stages an American woman will browse over your superficial attributes both metaphorical and physical like a younger version of herself set free with a hefty gift certificate in a shopping mall. She will ooo and aww as your sexymadwonderfulself reveals itself to her in a manner that touches her without aid of your hands. You say the things she thinks she should hear without her asking you to say them and her insides will begin to squirm. Like lively worms.

Caution: an American women will not be duped if she is indeed a woman and not a little girl.

Being a woman in America has nothing to do with age or time served. Either she is an adult or she is not. A little girl in a grown up body can confuse a man, especially in America. So it is best that you determine what you want and where you are heading with a female and which she is- woman or child- before you get into it with her. But I don’t think you did this. I think you took it all on faith. American woman… They will have an agenda. Believe it. She will give you time if she feels you will eventually measure up; after all American women get horny too (and not only in their groin area)! But if over time you do not measure up and you (continue to) fall short an American woman can cut her loses and soothe her broken places once you’re gone.

So there you were- all charm and good, wry humor and sporting a backing of hundreds or thousands. You were a world away and available. And you- the one with the fan base- was paying attention to her. This began in a game1 and so a part of it for her was a game. And when I say this- that a part of it was a game to her I mean that it was this way from the first time you twisted for her until the moment she said the words that cut through you like a Ginsu.

The game… It was fun to have your attention. The fact you give out your specific attention so infrequently and suddenly had the compulsion to give it out to her convinced you long before it should have that she was worthy. You probably patted yourself on the back about about it all… You may have even gotten off on the fact that taking on a woman openly boosted your popularity. Shame on you for that, but that is another issue.

I don’t bash you for it but I do wonder about men who think they can bag an American woman with a blush and a pat.


In the dating stage an American woman will want to be treated like a Princess. Virtually2 this will be accomplished by someone such as you acknowledging someone such as her and doing due diligence to put her ahead of all others without actually being obvious about it. She will wish you to be the blushing but determined Prince; her counterpart subdued by heavy doses of awe you hold for her.

An American woman may be sustained by the suspension of disbelief indefinitely but a man of any nationality will not. Eventually he wants to hit pay dirt. If he wants to hit pay dirt without feeling the beast he is he will defer. And if he is full of his own id (as in ehd) to the point of self-absorption he won’t realize until it is way, way too late that American women need more than the good guy himself to keep any guy around. A man can love and love strong when he perceives that the object of his affection reflects everything about himself he gains self-esteem/ego from. If you think he is great and he already finds himself great then magnify his feeling great about himself by a trillion when you assure him by your continued presence that he is great. Guys like that can’t evereverever EVER imagine that a woman would want to be without him. After all, he thinks he is great.

The American woman however can be turned right the fuck off by a man who takes for granted he’s got her hook, line and sinker.

She wants you to falter in your confidence and try harder and harder for her even when you already have her.

Largest fallacy about American women? That we are materialistic and superficial. That our collective heads are shoved in the puffy white clouds of happily ever after. No way. We want you to continue to try for us long after you’ve got us. We want chased forever. After love, dating, engagement and marriage. After downloading 4 of your offspring. After our breasts are sagging and our legs are criss-crossed with varicose veins so dense you’d have to peer closely to spy any flesh-colored patch.

When she stepped out of the game and into your world her mind was reeling ahead trying to figure out how you’d fit into her world, her life and her heart. Yep- sad but true.

Love isn’t something American women feel initially- it is something they ponder for many, many moons beyond the point you think the first part of the chase is over; we will feel lust, joy, happiness, infatuation and a lot of undefined maybes, but love? That is something that only little girls let be the end-all. We will say the words because they feel so good rolling off of the tongue. We’ve been programmed with Barbie and Ken, President Clinton and Hillary, Snow White and Prince Charming. We’ve been taught from birth that little girls like pink and little boys like getting down our pants. We bend low to figure out how far we can sink because we believe in love and then suddenly we yank our head out of our ass and realize that love is so rare- so delicate and so much maintenance that more often than not it just is not worth it.

We decide that if and when some guy is going to have us for as long as marriage can carry us that he’d better have something to cough up more than pretty words and charm. He’d better have a knapsack filled with MORE.

An American woman will go as far as to lay down with the fantasy just to see if it can mesh with the reality. She will pity-fuck your heart until eternity but only she will decide when and where you touch her life.

You might think that all the meetings and plans are real- but when you meet in a game and connect virtually in the beginning she had better be looking for life before she even pinpoints a target for life.

If your meeting and ‘relationship’ develops by ‘accident’ or was unplanned you might want to consider that she might not tell you when she becomes pregnant with doubt. She may abort any future including you without telling you very early on and not let you know she killed that baby until months or years down the line.

When an American woman begins to date virtually it is quite different from dating AFK for her; you might have thought it all to be completely above-board serious real even when you first met in person but I guarantee you doubleplusextra that the very first time she stepped into the arms of your flesh though smiling outside, on the inside she was taken off guard for the experience.

Somewhere inside she was back at home sitting in front of her computer, trapped in the fulfillment of the distance provided by the Internet.

Somewhere inside she wasn’t quite sure the flesh and blood you equaled the avatar you.

And somewhere in the front of her head she was wondering exactly what the fuck she thought she was doing.


So you think you are in a serious ‘relationship’ with an American woman?

You think that all those I love you’s and all the plans to meet up for more sex and all the vague suppositions you’re making about how the two of you might co-habitate one day are of substance?

Ask yourself; are you going to move to America? Because we American women lay our roots into the soil here deeply. We are free here. We don’t, in general, move away. We want you to move here. Will your economic status improve hers? Because we American women know that unless a man can make things move up a few notches we are better off on our own. Why take on a man if his being bound to us will not improve our lives on ALL levels? American women know that after the glow is gone that reality will move in and erase all traces of fantasy.

If your American woman is over the age of 30 your ass better have high earning potential. Not because we want your money, but because if we have your children we want more than 6 weeks maternity leave. We want good food at our table. We don’t want to struggle to pay the bills once you move in with us or we with you because we are for the most part already doing that.

We can fuck you without having to live with you or marry you. We can bask in your attention without having to deal with your body hair on our sinks and your poop splashes on the rim of our toilet bowls. We won’t even get into having to smell your bad gas, listen to you snoring or dealing with your moods.

Then there is that whole thing down the line where you suddenly want some new pussy.

Now before you jump down my back swearing that this isn’t you let me tell you that the only thing worse for an American woman than the typical man mentioned above is the atypical man. The guy who loves her to death, doesn’t want anyone else and leaves off with all the thick layering of flattery and wooing after he gets his first bit of the old cunny. American women in general don’t want a comfortable, predictable droning on and on of a relationship- they want thrills and fun and attention and to made to feel that they are special for ever. And ever. And, well, ever.

While you are somewhere licking your wounds and playing the victim remember this: In our country only half of marriages last beyond about 7 years. Of the other 50%- only 20% are ‘happy’ and feel fulfilled in their marriages.

We American women know up front that we only have about a 1 out of 7 chance of ending up with something worth our time going in. We American women understand that love is not enough. We are 17th century like that except we not only want a man3 who can better our lives, we want love mixed in there too and we want to know that the man we choose also understands everything I’ve typed above. That the man we choose knows he can never rest. That he must be the person we fell for forever and never become boring or rote.

We American women know that we are going for long odds if we are not wealthy, not into 3-ways, not into becoming shades of ourselves when connected legally to a man and well- even if so- we are going for long odds period.

It is rare enough to move up the socio-economic ladder when we join with a man but to love that guy too? Rarer still.

So why should we?

Well, as time goes by most of us just aren’t. We are having our babies as we refer to it ‘out of wedlock’. Lock being the key word there. So chew on that. We are keeping our options open and not afraid to die without have ever having found Mr. Right.

American women don’t want locked in. They want choices. And should you present any less than the number she has branded into her deal-breaker list you are dead in the water before you dive.


to be continued…

1 game – the ‘game’ going forward meaning the virtual world of There 1. Many for a very long time argued that the virtual world of There 1 was a ‘game’ though many more insisted that the experiences they experienced while logged into the ‘game’ where so meaningful that to refer to There 1 as a ‘game’ was incorrect.

2 virtually – meaning in a ‘virtual’ world.

3 the constant reference to a male-female relationship is not meant to dis-clude those of same-sex relationships. This article involves the unique situation of American women and their mindset where men are concerned.

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  © 2009-2011 Elizabeth Robinson ~~ Background image provided by 'Madhattermemphis Therian': Maidenflight in There